尋找造物主( The Creator )
父母境界-----行自境界,從父所得 (IV)
: 商大宰蕩與莊子之論道,見莊子天運篇,英繹引James R. Ware's
English Translation of The Sayings of Chuang Tzu, Ch. 14 Nature's Cycles. As
Follows :
When Tang, Prime Minister of Shang, asked
Chuang Chou about the human ideal, he replied, " It is to be a tiger or
" What do you mean by that ? "
" Sires and cubs are fond of one
another, so how can we think of them as not following the human ideal, which is
defined as the loving of others ? "
" Let me ask the human ideal in its
highest form. "
" In its highest form there is nothing
about parents. "
" I have been taught that where there
is nothing about parents, love is not observed and that where love is not
observed, filial duty is not observed. Could one then call the human ideal in
the highest form non-observance of filial duty ? "
" No. In its highest form the human
ideal is at the pinnacleof things.Filial duty certainly does not sum it up, and
I say this neither to exaggerate nor to understate the importance of filial
"To observe filial duty out of respect
is easy ; to observe it out of love is difficult. When its obervance out of love becomes easy, it
will be hard to do it without the thought of parents. When this becomes easy,
it will be hard to get our parents to forget us ; and when this becomes easy,
it will be hard to gorget the world. Finally, when when this becomes easy, it
will be hard to get the world to forget us. Well, perfect, natural existence--that
is, the human ideal in its highest form--would forget. Yao and Shun and make
nothingof them. Its benefits would be dispensed to all eternity, but nobody
would be conscious of it. And don't tell me that you yearn to talk only about
the human ideal and human filial duty ! Filial duty, fraternal duty, the human
ideal, propriety, loyalty, sincerity, uprightness, and probity all bend their
efforts to serve perfect, natural existence. But why go into all that ? Let me
put it this way. Status in its highest form rejects the dignities conferable by
the state. Riches in the highest form reject all the wealth of the state.
Longing in its highest form rejects all renown, for God is considered
inviolate. "
The mighty Way declined among the folk, and
then came kindness and morality.
When wisdom and intelligence apperared,
they brought them with a great hypocrisy.
The six relations were no more at peace, so
codes were made to regulate our homes.
The fatherland grew dark, confused by
strife ; Official loyalty becane the style.
See R. B. Blakney, A new English
Translation on The Sayings of Lao Tzu, Ch. 18
(取材自Alex Pan's Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker