「君君,臣臣,父父,子子。"There is government, when the prince is prince,and the minister is minister, when the father is father, and the son is son. James Legge, Confucian Analects, op cit., p.256"」(論語‧顏淵)
「 善哉!信如君不君,臣不臣,父不父,子不子。雖有粟,吾得而食諸?"Good, if indeed(the original text is "if indeed" not "if eggs from the refrigerator", don't translate it), the prince be not prince, the minister not minister, the father not father, and the son not son. Although,I have my revenue, can I enjoy it ? Ibid."」(同上)
「齊一變,至於魯。魯一變,至於道。"Chi, by one change, would come to the State of Lu. Lu, by one change, would come to a State where true principles predominated. Ibid., p.192"」(論語‧雍也)
因此,即使齊相管仲樹「塞門"a screen intercepting the gate"」設「反坫"A stand placing cups"」,不知禮制。魯大夫季氏「八佾舞於庭"eight rows of pantomimes in his area"」,僭用天子的禮制,令人難以忍受。(見論語‧八佾)但是,孔子仍樂於與齊景公,談「為政之道」。
故謂:「君使臣以禮,臣事君以忠。""A prince should employ his ministers according to the rules of propriety,the ministers should serve their prince with faithfulness. Ibid., p.161"」(論語‧八佾)
「道不同,不相為謀。"Those whose courses are different cannot lay plans for one another. Ibid.,p.305"」(論語‧衛靈公)
「不在其位,不謀其政。"He who is not in any particular office, has nothing to do with plans for the administration of its duties. Ibid.,p.213"」(論語‧泰伯、憲問)
即使孔子感嘆:「夷狄之有君,不如諸夏之亡也。"The rude tribes of east and north have their princes, and are not like the states of our great land which are without them. Ibid.,p.156"」(論語‧八佾)
「君之視臣如手足,則臣視君如腹心。君之視臣如犬馬,則臣視君如國人。君之視臣如土芥,則臣視君如寇讎。"When the prince regards his ministers as his hands and feet, his ministers regard their prince as their belly and heart. When he regards them as his dogs and horses, they regard him as any other man. When he regards them as ground or as grass, they regard him as a robber and an enemy. James Legge, The Works of Mencius, op cit.,p.318"」(孟子‧離婁下)
基本上,孟子同孔子,以「仁」德宏揚王道,進而主張「民為貴,社稷次之,君為輕。"The people are the most important element in a nation, the spirits of the land and grain are the next, the sovereign(the prince) is the lightest. Ibid.,p.483"」(孟子‧盡心下)故而,孟子亦不說「君為臣綱」。
反而,「望之不似人君"When I looked at him from a distance, he did not appear like a sovereign(a prince).Ibid.,p.136"」(孟子‧梁惠王上),「不召之臣"Ministers whom he does not call to go to him. Ibid.,p.214"」(孟子‧公孫丑下),「說大人則藐之"Those who give counsel to the great should despise them.Ibid.,p.496" 」(孟子‧盡心下),甚至,「聞誅一夫紂矣!"I have heard of the cutting off of the fellow Chau.Ibid.,p.167"」(孟子‧梁惠王下)都出口"came out from Mencius' mouth"!
( note: "Google 工具類", there is no need to translate "the English translation of the original text" into English. For example, the original text in this Article is "If, indeed," but your translation is "if eggs from the refrigerator". It is terrible !) 已經翻成英文,何必再翻譯成英文,又沒有翻對!謝了!
(取材自Alex Pan’s Digest)
Alex Pan TheWalker