2011年12月5日 星期一

火車勾甘蔗 (再續)-啟發理性 知天命"to know the ordinances of Heaven-The Natural law and Natural laws" 立王道"to establish the Kingship-The Popular Sovereignty" 。 (十三)

「不違農時,穀不可勝食也。"If the seasons of husbandry be not interfered with, the grain will be more than can be eaten. James Legge, The Four Books, The works of Mencius, op cit., p.130"」(孟子、梁惠王上)


  「數罟不入洿池,魚鱉不可勝食也。"If close nets are not allowed to enter the pools and ponds, the fishes and turtles will be more than can be consumed. ibid."」(同上)


  「斧斤以時入山,材木不可勝用也。"If the axes and bills enter the hills and forests only at the proper time, the wood be more than can be used. ibid."」(同上)


  「天何言哉!四時行焉,百物生焉!天何言哉!"Does Heaven speak ? The four seasons pursue their courses, and all things are continually being produced. but does Heaven say anything ? James Legge, The Four Books, Confucian Analects,op cit., p.326"」(論語陽貨)這是孔子所謂「天命"the ordinances of Heaven"」。人類從自然秩序,領悟自然界生生不息的自然法則。經由自然法則啟發人類理性,進而自我啟發自然法,知天命,建立王道的基礎。

  故而,孟子承繼孔子的「天命"the ordinances of Heaven"」,說道:「穀與魚鱉不可勝食,材木不可勝用,是使民養生喪死無憾也。"When the grain and fish and turtles are more than can be eaten, and there is more wood than can be used, this enables the people to nourish their living and mourn for their dead, without any feeling against any. ibid, p.131"」。(同上)自然界的生生不息,就是上天的好生之德,也是人類建立王道的基礎所在。

  孟子乃謂:「養生喪死無憾,王道之始也。"This condition, in which the people nourish their living and bury their dead without any feeling against any, is the first step of royal government. ibid."」(同上)王道不能違背上天的好生之德。

(取材自Alex Pan’s Digest)

Alex Pan TheWalker

