2010年7月1日 星期四

自然權利(八)Natural Rights ─ The Inalienable Rights of Life,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

一特定地區的人民或族羣(National grouping),不受任何外力的干涉與介入,依其自由意志(Free Will),決定其政治身分、地位(Political Status),如國籍(Nationality)、國格(Nationhood),選擇政府型態(Form of Government),成為獨立主權國家(The Independent Sovereignty State),謂之人民自決權(The Rights of Peoples’ self-determination)。

人民自決權就是自然權利 ─ 生命、自由與追求幸福等不可剝奪權利(Natural Rights ─ The Inalienable Rights of Life,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness)。現代人稱其為人權(Human Rights )、基本自由與基本人權(The Fundamental Freedoms and Human Rights ),亦稱之為人的尊嚴與價值(The Dignities and Values of Men and Women)。


統治基於同意原理是洛克兩篇政治論(John Locke,Two treatises
of Government,1690)所欲揭示的要旨。而洛克以社會契約(Social contract)解說此原理,彰顯自然權利的不可讓渡、不可剝奪及主權在民。

「In order to secure these Rights. Governments are instituted among men ,deriving their just Power from the consent of the governed.」


而此自決權,有依公民投票(The Plebiscite)而行使之。當然,複決權(Referendum)或定期選舉,亦是自決權的行使,唯其層級較低。(待續)…

(取材自 Alex Pan’s Digest)

